Knowing God

Martin Downes published a really insightful post the other day at his website and I wanted to pass along a couple of quotes:

A non-doctrinal faith is impossible. A faith wrongly informed because it has been fed on false doctrine is disastrous. A faith rooted in an experiential, subjective moralism, can easily pose as Christian faith, but it is no substitute for faith in a gracious Saviour, who is both God and man, a faith rooted and grounded in the Word of God. And not to care about these matters is really not to care about God.

Although this quote is presented out of order from the original post, I thought it a fitting warning and wonderful conclusion.

My point is that we need books to help us grow in grace and knowledge, to help us think deep thoughts about a great God, and to set us on a path of further reading and reflection on the riches of the Christian faith. Truth has edges and boundaries. Step outside of these, or behave as if they don’t matter, and you will walk into a spiritual minefield.

Via: Against Heresies