More Blessings Than Sand

Another great post from The Blazing Center:

Thou Eternal God,
Thine is surpassing greatness, unspeakable goodness; super-abundant grace
I can as soon count the sands of ocean’s lip
as number thy favours towards me;
I know but a part, but that part exceeds all praise

—Divine Mercies
Valley of Vision

When was the last time you pressed the “pause” button of life and took stock of God’s mercies toward you? It’s so easy for us to become fixated on the one thing that’s “wrong” in our lives that we miss the staggering heaps of divine blessing strewn about us.

Try to make a list of God’s blessings toward you. Don’t forget to include:

  • Your salvation. If this was the only thing on my list I would have reason to spend my entire life singing.
  • Your health. Walking, breathing unaided, playing sports – all grace. Why can I do these things and others can’t?
  • Your family. I get to spend every day with my best friend, my wife Jen. I have a daughter that’s cuter than a bucket of puppies.
  • Your house. Every day I enjoy hot showers, warm covers, and three square meals.
  • Your job. I’m not rich by American standards, but I make more money in a day than most of the world makes in a year.
  • Your church. I can worship without fear of government assassination. I own at least five Bibles. My church meets in a building, not under a tree in the African plains.

The list could keep going for pages. I didn’t even mention friends, times my life has been saved, my pastor, my parents, my computer, my spiritual resources, the correction of the Holy Spirit, and ten-thousand other things. God has been kind, hasn’t he? I don’t want to stumble past mountains by staring at a grain of sand.

So what’s on your list?

Via: The Blazing Center